So, I never thought I'd actually want to have AF back, but since we hope to TTC#2 at the end of summer, I was hoping that her return on NYE was the start of something regular. Well, I've been tracking at FF and I am on CD36 with no sign of AF. Which got me to thinking. I know BFing mamas can have irregular I wanted to ask...if you're AF has returned are you regular? Is your cycle similar to what it was before you were PG? If not, how is it different. I was hoping I wouldn't need to wean to return to full fertility, but perhaps I might need to. I was hoping to be able to chart full-on starting in April so I'd have three cycles under my belt, then add in the CBEFM starting in June and TTC beginning in August. We're hoping for a May/June 2012 baby.
Re: BFing mamas...lets talk about AF...
yeah I think the oxytocin from BFing really messes up your cycles. I've had 2 period thus far and I am not charting but just noting how long each cycle is... the first cycle after my first PP period was 43 days long...and then the last one was 39 days long. according to fertility friend, my avg. cycle length is 36 days (sounds right - it's always been about 5 wks) but I've had cycles as short as 28 days and as long as 52 days!! that super long cycle was when I started working with a new group of women though and we started cycling together....
so, I guess my cycles are still longer than they were in the past, but they seem to be gravitating towards "normal," probably in line with the gradual weaning process we are going through. we haven't weaned any further, though, and she is nursing on avg 4x/day now so it will be interesting to see if my cycles continue to be longer or if they go back to "normal" soon. ask me again in a few months and maybe i'll have a better answer for you
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
My Food Blog - Good Eats 'n Sweet Treats
Mine is different in that it's longer...I've only had two cycles so far and it was 45 days between the two. Pre-pg, I was about 30 days.
I have had 2 cycles. But have nothing to compare to prior to being pregnant. So this is better than I was. The first one I can't count for length (since it was the first PP AF) but then next was 34 days long.
I don't like to preplan as much as you so it's hard for me to say what I would do. Definitely not worry yet though, she just turned 1, even if you only night wean it could have a huge impact on your cycle so it is hard to predict what your body will do in the coming months.