
(Another) Update on the New Format

Hi All-

Thanks for your patience with the changes we have made, and also for your feedback on the Community Feedback Board.  We appreciate all of your comments/suggestions, and even if we cannot reply to each one we are taking note and working to rectify any bugs in the system. 

If you are unable to acces your regular board, it is not because it was taken away permanently, we are just working out some kinks.  Thanks again for your patience - we hope to have everything running smoothly ASAP!


Re: (Another) Update on the New Format

  • Can you do us a favor?  I know this site is all about pregnancy, and we are lucky to have this board, but could you please offer us a choice of another avatar?  For many of us on this board who don't want to or know how to upload a picture to use for that purpose, it's a bit inappropriate to have a silhouette of a pregnant woman as an avatar.  I think the TTC and TTTC boards would appreciate it, too.
  • i second that emotion - and know that the TTC boards have already posted items about this in particular, including the 35+ board...
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  • The avatar is really almost obscene to those on this board who have built their families in another way.  Especially if biological children were not an option or a choice.  Frankly, after experiencing 5 losses, I find the Nest's use of the "bump" avatar here, on PL, TTTC, etc. sickening.

     Fix it.  Quit making excuses or giving updates meant to placate.  Have some sense. Thank you.

  • I agree with pp.  Even though we are excited to be adopting, many still grieve "pregnancy" (I know I do) so seeing all of the pg silloutes is insensitive.
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  • Well said!!  I said very similar things on the TTTC board earlier this week.  While most of us our excited to adopt-the sight of seeing the pg woman avatar is quite insensitive. I would have thought that a site like the nest that has MULTIPLE sites about infertility and this one-on adoption would have thought things through a little better. 

    As I said earlier-we are excited-but we still grieve for the pregnancy we will probably never thank you for pouring salt in the wounds.  It's much appreciated.

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