Anyone tried both?
I have not tried Bumgenius, but I'm wondering if one is better, holds up longer, then the other.
We used fuzzi bunz with my son and even now he wears them to bed because I have a family of bed wetters (thanks dh!). He's 6 so you can see we have most certainly gotten our money out of these diapers. They are shot, though. No amount of stripping or whatever will make them last through another kid!
So if you've tried FB and BG, what was your preference? I'm also thinking about doing the one size this time even though we didn't have the one size with the FB last time.
I still do fitted diapers and wool longies/soakers when at home, but prefer the pocket diapers when out for any extended amount of time.
Re: Fuzzi Bunz vs. Bumgenius
I've tried both and prefer FB perfect fit. I liked the BG's a lot more when DS was smaller but since we've opened all the snaps I jsut don't like the way they fit. I feel like he is in between the middle and large settings so neither fits great. I would get a couple of each though to have on hand and then once your new LO gets here try them each out.
We have BG 4.0, FB OS and FB perfect size. The BG are my favorite. We have snaps and aplix. I love the aplix because it is so easy, but I think the snaps will look much nicer longer. They fit DD well and we have only had one leak, but I think that was my fault!
I think the FB perfect size in medium fits DD well, but I like idea of one sized better.
I also like the FB one size and they fit DD perfect right now. She is 25 lbs though, and I don't see them lasting a lot longer! The one size seems smaller than the mediums! They are more fitted than the BG but I am worried about longevity.
We have FB OS and BG 4.0 snaps and Aplix. Earlier on I really prefered the FB OS because of the trimness between the legs. However as my son is weighing in around 20 pounds I'm liking dipes that are wider between the legs like BG. I say like BG because I actually really prefer Blueberry over BG by a lot. If I knew then what I know now, I would have bought FB PS smalls for the first 8-ish weeks and Blueberry dipes for thereafter.
(I also like RARs but the rise is smaller so they won't last my huge baby until PL and I'm a little sour about my delaminating dipe that I have to send back for repair at my own cost.)
I love fuzzibunz so much more than bum genius, my son has super huge thighs and the one size fits him great. I like the bg 4.0 with snaps, but they are the ones I grab when I am out of fuzzibunz. It really seems to vary depending on the size and body type of the baby.
I love both for different reasons. The FB go much larger (and I have a big kid). I like the BG overall though. If they were bigger, I'd mostly use them.
I like the FB inserts better. They don't seem to have stink issues like the BG ones.
But I like that the BG ones are more trim and they just seem to fit better.
My DS is 30 lbs, 35 inches and the FB OS still fit him just fine...he's not even on the biggest elastic settings either!
You'll be amazed how much your LO will thin out in the next few months. My DS only gained 1/2 lb from 12 months to 18 months, yet he grew almost 4 inches!
I'm not really a fan of the BG 4.0 snaps -- I can't seem to get a good fit on DS. I haven't tried 4.0 w/aplix, but I have to say I don't like the aplix on the 3.0s. I really like FB perfect size. DS is outgrowing his BG 3.0s (30 lbs. at 10 mos) but FB mediums still fit him very well.
So I see it is a mixed bag!
I think I'll probably try half and half. And wow, those blueberry minky pocket diapers are adorable! Something I'd love to try as well.
Thanks again for all of the input!