Cloth Diapering

Got my CJs sampler...

Can't wait to try some of them out. I got an outmeal milk and honey for two friends, and am kinda sad, since it is my least favorite of them all.

I am going to get DH's vote, but I want to get a big tub soon... not sure the little ones will last very long!

Do you use it on every diaper change? (The way that sposie users do vaseline?)

And those who said so were right, monkey farts is way better than I expected (I am not usually a fan of banana)

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Re: Got my CJs sampler...

  • Disposable diaper users put Vaseline WHERE on every diaper change?

    Huh? I used disposables for several weeks when my baby was first born -- I never put vaseline on her. I did and continue to put a dab of Grandma El's diaper rash prevention cream on her when she starts to look a little pink. I may just have a kid not prone to rashes, though. My frien'ds baby would get huge open sores if my friend ate anything the least bit spicy. 

  • I just put it on when she looks rashy.
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  • We got the sampler back in November and we only use it when she's a little pink down there and we've only gone through like 2 of the samples.
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  • imagepixy_stix:
    I just put it on when she looks rashy.

    This.  I also use some when I put her in her overnight diaper.

  • See! I told you it isn't stinky like a banana :) I use when she looks reddish and I always use at night time....don't know why though, I just do!
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  • I put a little on her bum with nearly every change only because LO is prone to rashes and I want to keep them at bay.
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  • imagekielpinskim:
    I put a little on her bum with nearly every change only because LO is prone to rashes and I want to keep them at bay.


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