Cloth Diapering

Thirsties Duo-2 ?'s

As I'm expanding our CD stash (yeah I started early) I keep running across good reviews for the Thirsties Duo. Two questions:

Can you double stuff them?

If you had them from birth, how soon was your newborn able to wear them?


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Re: Thirsties Duo-2 ?'s

  • I love our Thirsties Duo Wraps. We used Bummis and Proraps covers for the NB stage. We probably started using the stage 1 Duo Wrap when he was about 10 lbs.
    I tried the Duo Diapers and I hated them. For some reason, they just fit J. differently than the Duo Wrap. They leaked every single time. So I sold them right away. I would have been able to double stuff them if I had needed to though.
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  • I never tried to use our Thirsties overnight so I never tried to double stuff (since their regular inserts are awesome) but I'm sure you could if you wanted to.  We didnt start CD'ing until DS was around 6 weeks old.  At that point he was 14-15 pounds and the size 1s fit hum perfect when totally unsnapped.  As such, I'm inclined to think they would fit an 8 - 10 pound baby well when snapped all the way down.
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