Our renters are good people, they're just really living hand-to-mouth. They've been short on rent the last couple of months (like $150 short each month), so we offered to let them do some work for us to work off what they owe us- some stuff like clearing some brush on our property, weeding our flower beds, spreading new mulch, cleaning the gutters, etc. They seemed genuinely happy for the opportunity to work it off since they have no income right now and therefore simply can't pay us.
There are three adults in the household and none of them are currently working, so I had expected that they'd have plenty of time to come over here and get it done but that just hasn't happened. They'll work for a few hours and then disappear for days at a time until we call them again. And when they are here, the husband really needs a lot of hand-holding and very specific step-by-step directions. Like I said, he's a really nice guy, he just doesn't seem to be able to do a task without someone guiding him through every single little step.
I had really hoped to have it all done before ds's birthday this weekend but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. They were supposed to be here a couple of hours ago to work but just called my dh and said they really can't afford the fuel to drive over here (they're only about 5 miles away.)
I feel bad for them that they're obviously *so* broke, but giving them gas money to get over here when they already owe us money seems counterintuitive, doesn't it...? Still, dh offered to give them a few bucks for gas if they could just get over here- at this point we just need the work done.
Re: Vent: Frustrated a little.
you are being taken advantage of. Period. They are working you and you are letting them.
Time to kick them out....
Liam is 5!
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
I think it is nice that you are accomodating them, but I agree with DandR. I won't make this about me, but I was in a similar situation last spring and ended up getting screwed. It's still upsetting to me when I think about it.
I think you either need to cut it off right now or give them an ultimatum. For example, they work 8-12 three days a week or whatever makes sense until they pay off what they owe. If they miss a day, serve them their eviction notice.
I agree with DandR. ?If I couldn't pay my bills and someone offered to let me work off what I owed, I would walk the 5 miles if I had to.
How are none of them employed? ?I find it hard to believe that they can't find anything, no matter how crappy or low-paying.
You and your DH are being extremely nice to them.?
We honestly couldn't afford to evict them even if we wanted to do so. The eviction process would take several months due to state laws and then we'd have to totally get the house ready for a new tenant (repainting the interior, etc.), potentially let it sit empty for a while if we didn't find someone right away, legal fees for getting them evicted, etc. Not worth it for the $150/month that they've been short, IMO.
Thy have housing assistance that pays the rest of their rent and it's automatically deposited into our account each month so we know we can at least always count on that in order to make the mortgage payment.
Well it sucks, no doubt about that, however I also think you are being a little soft. I get that it will take a while to evict etc and be costly, however you are being more than accomidating and frankly they are screwing you.
I would offer to go pick them up to work (not let them drive over on their own accord) and then when the work is complete take them home.....