How tall are you b/c we have very similar stats. I'm 5'8" and was 211 when I had N, dropped down to 152 before getting pg with G, I'm 177 now, and I want to get to 140ish this time. If I get in the 130's I'll be so freaking happy b/c I was 132 on my wedding day. Oh and I was in the upper 120's when DH and I first started dating too, but I was 19 so I try to tell myself that doesn't count. LOL!
Re: MrsJLK
Butting in- even though I accidentally clicked on this post I'm going to respond because you and I are in the exact same spot. Literally, I am 5'9" and weigh 176 (gross) and want to be 140. We should be weight loss buddies even though I'm going to be totally jealous of you when you reach your goal first.
Have you joined WW? What are you planning to do to loose the weight? Just curious. Good luck!
Sorry to crash Lady
JLK, how long after you registerd with Gymbofriends did it take before you could post there? It has been a couple of weeks and I still can't post.