Potty Training

PT'd for pee, but not for poop - HELP! N/M Saw below

We started potty training DS1 back in July and have had great success with peeing.  We've had trouble ever since the beginning with him pooping in the potty.  At first, he would hold it and wait until he was in a pull-up at night.  Then, he just started holding it for a few days.  He would finally go and be in a ton of pain because he would get so constipated.

We've finally worked out the constipation with a combo of fiber gummies and probiotics, but now he won't tell us he has to go at all.  He always tells us when he has to pee, but poops his pants every time.  It's a total mess because he's in underwear and just straight up gross to clean.  

This has been going on for a few weeks now and I'm totally at a loss on what to do.  We go over what to do when he needs to go and he always tells us that he'll say something before the next time.  However, he doesn't. He also knows that he'll get a treat if he goes in the potty, but apparently he's not motivated by it enough.

Any suggestions, advice, fellow pting pooping issues???

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Re: PT'd for pee, but not for poop - HELP! N/M Saw below

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