Our little guy is one month old today (still a week away from his due date of Feb. 10th). He's been doing really well, but only sleeps if we're holding him. The second he's in his bassinet, we have about 5 minutes max and then he's awake and crying, even when swaddled tightly and with white noise. My dh has been home so we've been doing shifts so we both get some sleep, but he goes back to work soon and I'm worried about me not sleeping day or night : ( Has anyone else had a similar situation? What did you do?
Re: Only sleeps when held
Our LO did this. He was born 3.5 months early and once we got home from the NICU (adjusted age of 0) he would only sleep if held. We tried everything from swaddling, to putting his matress at an incline, music, recording our voices talking to him, experimented with various lights, etc, but he would only sleep in our arms. Many people thought reflux could be the culprit, and he does have reflux, but none of the reflux tricks helped. This went on for about 1.5 months at which point he slowly began sleeping in his crib for longer and longer periods. I have no explanation other than that he was making up for all the time we didn't get to hold him in the NICU?
My husband and I took shifts at night and I a couple of overnights a week usually a relative would come and take some of the shifts. We were so fortunate to have the help of my 2 aunts because our exhaustion got really bad. Good luck & hang in there.
BTW, LO started sleeping through the night at 3 months adjusted and has been a great sleeper ever since. It feels like we paid our sleepless dues early on and are enjoying great sleep now. I hope you can say the same in a few months.
Same for us...refllux issues, fussy baby, sleeping only when held, rocked, patted etc. I bought the Fisher Price Rock n Play sleeper (like a bassinet, but head elevated and baby sleeps semi sitting up) - it was a LIFESAVER!! Isaac went from sleeping most of the night on me, to sleeping from 11-4am that very first night! It is small, compact, portable. I wasn't sure about buying another baby item for the fourth and LAST child, but it is worth it's weight in gold! LOVE it!!!!
Good luck!