Houston Babies

toddler mattress rec?

We have used the same (extra firm) mattress since G started sleeping in his own bed. We're having some problems getting him to stay in his bed through the night and I think part of the problem is his mattress is really firm and is uncomfortable. Usually he comes into our bed at some point in the night and falls asleep immediately. I can usually get him to nap alone in my bed easier than I can get him to in his bed.

Does anyone have a rec for a softer, more comfortable toddler bed mattress?

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Re: toddler mattress rec?

  • I don't think BRU carries our baby mattress anymore, but we got a Serta - 200? coil?  It was around $100.  I remember not wanting to get the popular Colgate mattress at Baby's 1st furniture at the time b/c it felt SO hard!  I got the softer Serta one (even though there was big hype to get a firm mattress so a baby wouldn't smother in it)- so I would recommend something like that.  DS has never had problems STTN. (who knows if it's related to the mattress, but it couldn't hurt!)


  • I don't have any experience, but I remember when we bought our crib mattress, one side was firmer and meant for use in the crib, and the other side was supposedly softer for use in the toddler bed. 
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