
Early wake time?

My babies are really doing great with day and nighttime sleep with just one exception. One baby wakes every morning during the 5 am hour. This morning it was 4:45! He is not hungry, just wants to party. Bedtime is at 6 pm, they determined that time and nothing we do can seem to change that. I am fine with starting my day at 6 but not before then! As it is we let our early riser stay in bed until 6, I don't even try to soothe him anymore bc that does not work either. Luckily he doesn't get hysterical but still! Did anyone else have this issue? Anyone cure it. As it is I am eagerly looking forward to the time change and hoping that works!

Re: Early wake time?

  • No advice, but I'm jealous!  6PM to 5AM...I'd kill for that much sleep!

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  • we went through that with one... (around 4 months), its SUCKED but it did pass.... :)
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  • I have one that is the EXACT same.  Unfortunately we are at 7 months so it hasn't really gotten better.  We had a week of 6am, but it was short lived, now its back to 5am.   Usually what I do is give them both a bottle at 5:30.  Let them sit on the floor and play while I eat breakfast.  At around 6:15 we all go back to bed for 45 mins and wake up at 7am.  Sorry I can't give you a better answer.  I hope someone else can give us the magic formula for sleeping in later. 
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  • I'm right there with you!  I put in a musical crib soother which seems to have helped a little.  It plays lights and music for about 10-15 minutes.  DS watches and coos at it, and usually settles down by the time it is over.
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  • 11 hours of sleep at night seems normal to me. Have you tried putting them to bed later? Mine go to bed between 8 and 9pm and usually sleep until 8 or 9am (11-12 hours, tops). If I were to put them to bed at 6pm I guarantee they would wake around 5am...

    Just a thought. Good luck!


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  • imagebabya2010:

    11 hours of sleep at night seems normal to me. Have you tried putting them to bed later? Mine go to bed between 8 and 9pm and usually sleep until 8 or 9am (11-12 hours, tops). If I were to put them to bed at 6pm I guarantee they would wake around 5am...

    Just a thought. Good luck!


    This is what Im' thinking.  Ours go down for the night at 7pm and are up at 6-7am for the day.  (ours do wake overnight to eat)

    jailbirds Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I have tried SO hard to get them to stay up until 6:30 or 7pm with no success. They just have a major melt down. Last night I actually did make it to 6:30 and he woke up at 4:45 instead of the usual 5:30... I guess maybe when they get a bit older maybe they will be able to make it until 7? I can only hope.
  • Have you tried a "dream feed" where you wake them up around 9 or 10 and feed them again so they'll have more in their bellies?
  • we are in the exact same boat. It's party time at 5am for us as well. we just leave them alone and they'll go on for an hour when I finally have to get up for work and feed them. It's been about a month and they finally have started sleeping until 5:30 or 6am the last few days, so I'm thinking it was just a phase and they are getting out of it. It never mattered what time they went to bed either. Depending on how their naps went during the day, sometimes they'd go down at 6pm and sometimes 7:30pm and they still always woke early. Good naps and bad nap days didn't matter either.

    The really sucky thing is that now I just wake up at 4:30 - 5am anyways and there is nothing I can do to get myself back to sleep :-P

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  • one of mine is like that too and is just starting to get a little better this week.  Also, she didn't seem hungry because she would wake up happy and want to cuddle and play and would be up an hour before she showed signs of hunger, but her sister was getting woken up and was a mess and I try giving them them both (only to keep them on schedule) a bottle and putting them back to bed did get me another 1-1.5 hrs sleep. 

    Also I was putting them to be at 7pm and I found with a 6:30 bedtime a couple days this week she was actually sleeping till 6am.  My early riser is also my peanut, so I think part of it has to do with her being 14.5 lbs vs. my other daughter who is 17lbs.

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  • Guess I will just hold out hope this is a phase...I don't want to dream feed. I think it is kind of unfair to wake them artificially, especially since they are so close! Thanks for the thoughts and advice ladies!
  • One of mine is also doing this all of a sudden. I am contributing it to using a med nipple on the playtex drop ins and it's giving him gas because he kicks alot. Sometimes he falls back to sleep and sometimes not. I wish i had an answer as to how to fix it. Mine go to be at around 8pm and still wake at 5am. It sucks!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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