

I wasn't planning to share this story...but since you asked.  We are feeling pretty good that we are coyote-free.  Last weekend, we had a tree fall in the woods just past where our yard is cleared to.  It was blocking a trail that we use a lot to get to the skating pond so my DH went to cut it into sections to move.  He came back to the house a few minutes later with his chainsaw, covered in blood. Of course I freaked.  No, make that FREAKED! when I saw him.  Turns out there was a raccoon hiding inside the tree and he accidentally cut it up with the chainsaw.  So, to get to the point,  the raccoon carcass was still there the next morning, so we are pretty sure someone either got the coyotes or we are well outside their normal hunting grounds.

I thought about posting last week about my freakout but I thought it might be a little too "rural" for some nesties.

Re: R9

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