Cloth Diapering

NCDR - good vibes for DH

If anyone has some good vibes they could spare could you send them to my DH? He had an interview today for probation and parole and it would be really nice if he got the job. He's currently a corrections officer at the county jail and his schedual sucks (12 hour shifts that flip flop all over the place). P&P would be more normal hours and that would be awesome!
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Re: NCDR - good vibes for DH

  • My DH works crazy hours so I feel your pain on that! Sendings lots of good vibes your way for your DH! Hope he gets it! :)
  • I hate his Hours! 12 hour shifts, one week its 2 on 2 off 3 on, then the next it's the opposite and on top of that they switch back and forth from days to nights every 2 months.
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