I am way way way over budget (like all of spring's spending!!) Last Friday I got caught up in the hype and bought one but I honestly don't think I will be a fitted's girl. I bought a few used (mutt, bsrb, cnd) and I haven't even used them yet.
They are so cute but just don't seem practical for us We are out of the house M-F for 8-10 hrs and I am finding that Flips/Grovia are easiest to drag along.
Re: I will not be stalking GM's tomorrow...
I might be able to take some off your hands. :-)
And I agree about practicality. We only use fitteds at home.
How did the event go over the weekend? I got the diapers the other day thanks so much dh loves the flower one
I have a feeling I will be selling them! I should at least try them... and I really can't wait to see real live GM, lol. It's like a bump legend. I also want to study them a little bit because I would like to try making some eventually in my spare time (HA!!).
The sale was horribly organized and kind of a bust! I sold a few things but not nearly what I hoped. I'm glad you like the diapers!!
I'll let you all know... but it's "pucker up." I don't think it was super popular!
Making diapers isn't super hard if you have a pattern (and there are some online). I'm a pretty crap seamstress and have made a few. :-)