Cincinnati Babies

Sleeping limbs

I've always had poor circulation but this is getting ridiculous. My feet/legs fall asleep at least twice a day. I work at a computer all day and can only get up from my desk 3xs a day. I do walk around on all breaks but I can't really go anywhere when not on break.

Any suggestions on how to make this stop? I sit with my legs crossed at the ankles and it still happens. I'm just not one to sit with my legs spread. They're normally crossed in some fashion but it's never been this bad before.

Re: Sleeping limbs

  • Can you prop your feet up under your desk, on a small box or something?  Also try just standing up at your desk for a second and moving a bit if you can't walk around.  My legs didn't go to sleep but I had horrible restless legs, especially at night or when I sat for long periods. 
  • No advice, but just wanted to say that I feel your pain :(  That was my only complaint about pregnancy... it got worse and worse until DS was born - and then it went away!!
    Welcome to the world Finley Michael - born 2/13/2010 Lilypie Third Birthday tickers pregnancy
    Baby Sister is coming soon!
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  • imageJessica&Brett:
    No advice, but just wanted to say that I feel your pain :(  That was my only complaint about pregnancy... it got worse and worse until DS was born - and then it went away!!

    Light at the end of the tunnel! 4 months away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm gonna have to try standing up more. It's hard when I'm on the phone and doing computer work all day. I can't type standing up. =(

  • I am also a leg crosser, and it was SO annoying!  What about trying a yoga ball to sit on?  That would keep you from crossing your legs I think :)
    Welcome to the world Finley Michael - born 2/13/2010 Lilypie Third Birthday tickers pregnancy
    Baby Sister is coming soon!
  • Has sleeping bothered you yet? I would give ANYTHING to get a solid four hours of sleep a night but heck no!! I wake up every 2 hours or so with whatever side that I'm laying on ALL numb & then I have to roll & get comfy again. This of course wakes up the dogs & now more & more Nolan wakes up & decides to go on a major kicking spree!! oh the joys of pregnancy!! Hang in there!!
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