Cincinnati Babies

Potty training question... (readiness?)

OK, so if you asked me a week ago, I would've told you potty training was a ways off.  We've shown interest for a while, but his diapers are still quite full, and didn't want to go near the potty.  But, the last 2 nights, B has peed in the potty before going to bed.  He's determined to go and he asks to go.  But only before bed.  The other times during the day, he's not interested. 

So... at what point do I decide he's ready?  I personally just want him to basically decide that he want to go on the potty and not force the issue (ask, but not force... i hope that makes sense)  Thoughts?

Re: Potty training question... (readiness?)

  • My day care provider has an interesting way that some people may not like, but it works.  She first has them wear plain underware and sets a clock for about every 15 min. When the alarm goes off she talks them into sitting on the toilet. Eventually they pee in the toilet and she gives them 1 single skittle. She continues to have them sit on the toilet every 15 min(with their cooperation) and every time they pee they get a single skittle.  She started training my son just after his 2nd birthday and was fully trained (with skittles) in 2 weeks. After using the toilet became more of a routine, she simply would not give him a skittle unless he asked.  he forgot about the skittle totally after roughly 3 weeks.  I know they say not to reward behavior with food, but for short term reward such as this it was soo worth it!
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