I left my former dentist's practice about 18 months ago because I thought he was pretty shady. every time I went in, he wanted to re-do old dental work. I hardly have any cavities and the old silver fillings from childhood were all replaced with ceramic as an adult by my childhood dentist. Nothing was old or in bad shape, so I always thought it was odd. but he was the one reading the x-rays, so who am I to argue. The last straw was when he wanted to to an absurd procedure on my then 3 yo's perfect teeth. He claimed she had deep pits in her teeth and he wanted to drill into them, then put "preventative" fillings in. We wasted no time finding a new dentist. The new dentist said my DD's teeth have no deeper grooves than any other person and breaking the enamel of a healthy tooth on a 3 yo is ridiculous. Oh yeah, the filling procedure would have cost over $300 per tooth.
I just found out that dentist was indicted and pleaded guilty to a million dollars in tax evasion. I KNEW he was a sneaky b*stard.
Re: My former dentist was just indicted
How goes the other stuff we talked about a few weeks ago?