Cincinnati Babies

Blogs -- I need new reading material

I know many of us write/keep blogs.  I'm terrible about bookmarking them so I don't have many on my list.

if you don't mind sharing, can you post a link to it here?  I'd much rather read the blogs of people I "know" than some other random ones I can find on the web.

The link to my blog is in my sig.

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Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
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Re: Blogs -- I need new reading material

  • Am I the only one WITHOUT a blog?  I mean, clearly I have some time to kill.  Perhaps I'll title my hypothetical blog - "Confessions of a Slacker Mom."  Dang, that's already taken.  Maybe "The Tubester's Toddlers"...
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  • imageTtimes3:
    Maybe "The Tubester's Toddlers"...

    I double dog dare you to do that.   :)

    I don't keep mine as up to date as I'd like, and I know I have time.  But I like having this for the boys when they're older.  That's what I really think about, that they will know how much I love them when they read it later.

    Justin Thomas joined us on 8.4.07
    Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
    The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler
  • imagesistrkate:

    I don't keep mine as up to date as I'd like, and I know I have time.  But I like having this for the boys when they're older.  That's what I really think about, that they will know how much I love them when they read it later.

    That's awesome, Katie!  Man, now I feel doubly as slackerish for not having started one.  Heck, I'm terrible about their stinking baby books.

  • Ditto what katie said!  I don't even have a baby book for Austin yet, oops!  It does leave your world open and vulnerable for others to stalk :), or judge.  I have lots of friends not into it actually.

    It is my baby book really.  I've documented every second of the pregnancy, high/lows of parenting, and my unconditional love and how proud I am of them.  Now I just need to figure out the best way to print the blog and put it into books for each year.

  • imageTtimes3:

    I don't keep mine as up to date as I'd like, and I know I have time.  But I like having this for the boys when they're older.  That's what I really think about, that they will know how much I love them when they read it later.

    That's awesome, Katie!  Man, now I feel doubly as slackerish for not having started one.  Heck, I'm terrible about their stinking baby books.

    I don't think it's makes you a slacker to not have a blog, it's just one of those "in" things to do right now.  It just means you're not a lemming  :)

    FWIW, I haven't updated a baby book since August of 2007.  I think I wrote some stuff in there the week after Justin came home from the hospital, and I haven't done squat since.  Tyler has 2 baby books that are unopened.

    Justin Thomas joined us on 8.4.07
    Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
    The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler
  • I started a blog, wrote about 3.5 entries and then decided it was going to be a big pain at that point in my life. Now, I just keep the baby books up to date as possible and I keep a little spiral notebook where I jot down funny things Nora says or does. I stash away little love letters and poems in her baby book for her to find someday.
  • I just started mine over - trying to figure out how to put the link in my sig!

  • I don't really write a whole lot but I have super cute pictures of Norton if you'd like to see!

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  • imageKle2922:

    Ditto what katie said!  I don't even have a baby book for Austin yet, oops!  It does leave your world open and vulnerable for others to stalk :), or judge.  I have lots of friends not into it actually.

    It is my baby book really.  I've documented every second of the pregnancy, high/lows of parenting, and my unconditional love and how proud I am of them.  Now I just need to figure out the best way to print the blog and put it into books for each year.

    You can set your blog to private so it's not broadcasted for others to view if you just want to keep one for personal reasons.  Alternatively, you can sign up for a website such as on Shutterfly and password protect your site so only people you want to see it can.  I love Shutterfly and have been using it for over 2 years to share pictures, stories, recipes, etc. with our family and close friends.

    For free blog to PDF converter:  Alternatively, I think Blurb offers real books but oviously more expensive.

  • I was really good about updating my blog when I was pregnant but I am complete slacker since Nicholas was born. I dont think I've updated since before Thanksgiving Embarrassed I do have a post I wrote and saved on my computer to add pictures to but I lost my camera cord so now that post is old too haha

    See link in siggy!


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  • I have one. I have about 15 entries that haven't been posted yet but it will get more active very soon.

    It's super basic format because I suck graphics and such but I'm hoping to have a friend help me with it soon.

  • its mostly rainbows and unicorns for the grandparents to see.

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  • imageKle2922:

    It is my baby book really.  I've documented every second of the pregnancy, high/lows of parenting, and my unconditional love and how proud I am of them.  Now I just need to figure out the best way to print the blog and put it into books for each year.

    I totally agree with Lindsay. I don't have a baby book for CJ but I do have a blog that basically documents every thing from my pregnancy through now. I keep it current and try to add something at least 2-3 times a week. I'm definitely addicted to blogging. I figure someday I'll print it out and keep a hard copy as a memory book. But for now, blogging is just a fun way to keep track of our adventures. Link in siggy Smile

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    my blog

  • I keep mine set to private, but if anyone has any interest in reading it, send me a PM. If not, I totally understand. I've gotten a *little* better about updating lately, but I'm not making any promises about the future. Stick out tongue
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  • Mine is uber boring and updated once in a blue moon but heck even I like to read boring blogs Smile Maybe I will feel the need to update more if I know I am being stalked. 
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