Cincinnati Babies

Starting Whole Milk?

Finley will be 1 on the 13th of this month (holy crap... where has the time gone?!?)

I was thinking of starting to use whole milk for his cereal (we usually try to get him to take some oatmeal or whole wheat in the morning and rice at dinner).  It's not much, but it's annoying when I use BM and then I have to toss it :)

I'd ask the doc, but we don't go in for his 1-year until the 14th....  any thoughts?

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Re: Starting Whole Milk?

  • Definitely!  We started introducing whole milk a few weeks before J's 1st birthday. 
  • I would go ahead and do it.  That's not a lot of milk and I think it's a great way to introduce him to the taste of it.

    We started with whole milk in a sippy cup once a day at 11 months and some change, then started the full transition after the go-ahead from the pedi at his 12-month visit.  I didn't ask the doctor's permission to do it.

    Now with Tyler, we never introduced milk since he'd already had a reaction to dairy well before that.  But I probably would have done the same thing had that not been the case.

    Justin Thomas joined us on 8.4.07
    Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
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    I would go ahead and do it.  That's not a lot of milk and I think it's a great way to introduce him to the taste of it.

    We started with whole milk in a sippy cup once a day at 11 months and some change, then started the full transition after the go-ahead from the pedi at his 12-month visit.  I didn't ask the doctor's permission to do it.

    This exactly.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I would do it-- nothing magically changes once they turn 1. It's worth a shot and if it doesn't work out you can always go back to using BM! GL!
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  • I would, we started transitioning DS to whole milk a couple weeks before he turned 1. Like skylling said you can always go back to BM.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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