Reading TTT's confession and responses got me thinking. After about 2-3 weeks I have put both of my kids in their crib to sleep at night (started out in the swing or bouncy in my room). They have never slept in my bed, ever. Where did/does your baby sleep....let's say for the first 6 months?[Poll]
Re: Clicky Poll: Where does your baby sleep?
Emeline 5.28.13
My Blog
Post-Baby PRs
Esri 5K 7.16.2014 - 21:30
Heart Half Marathon 3.16.2014 - 1:43:30
Canton City Marathon 9.8.14 - 3:30:56
I think this is exactly what Charlotte would do - she wouldn't lay down in our room if we begged!
The lack of bedroom space in our house has DD#2 in our room for the time being. She'll eventually go in her sister's room but I'm not ready for that yet for a few different reasons. We had her in a co-sleeper for awhile and now she starts out in a pack n' play and once she wakes for a feeding overnight, I put her in our bed. I'm lucky that she's a solid sleeper and doesn't jerk around much. It's worked out so far. I don't plan on prolonged co-sleeping, especially if it ends up keeping her (or us) awake more.
Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler
I picked SS, C has been in a RockNPlay since we got yelled at by our peds about letting her sleep with us. Its been awesome for us, but she is in our room, she will be until we are comfortable with her up in her own room.
I am having a hard time with it because her Bedroom is upstairs and the master is on the first floor... We have a video monitor... I just would miss her! I am hoping to get her in her own bed when she is 6 months... or a long weekend... whatever comes first.
This is us exactly.
Special snowflake - Nora was in a co-sleeper in our room for the first 2 and a half months, then her own crib.
If she wakes at night, I feed her in her room and put her back to bed, unless it's close to when we have to get up for work anyway - then I'll bring her in bed, nursing laying on my side, and try to catch some more zzz's before work.
Photo by Melissa Nicole Photography
Max's Blog
Until 3 months she was in the co sleeper and occasionally in the bed with us. At 3 months, we switched the co sleeper to a bassinet when I realized I was waking her up a lot. She didn't seem all that comfortable in the bassinet though and we moved her to her room at 4 months. During long nights when I find myself getting up every hour, she usually ends up in bed with me.
This will DEFINITELY be me!
I voted sleeps with mommy. We became bed sharers on accident I suppose, but now I can't imagine anything different. We have been thinking/talking about making the switch now to get her into her bed. I sidecarred the crib thinking she would start sleeping in there but next to me then we could slowly make the transition. Yeah the crib is not comfy I get why she doesn't like the hard as a rock mattress.
I have 3 different sleep books checked out from the library right now including the sleep lady shuffle and Dr. Gordon's family bed book. We'll see what we end up doing. We have a vacation planned for May where she will probably sleep with us there so I may just wait.
FWIW I think more people do this than will admit and I always love it when I run across a mom who {gasp} brings their baby to bed sometimes.
We brought DD home from the NICU when she was 2 wks. old, and tried the PNP in our room for nighttime sleeping. She absolutely hated it, and so from 5 wks. on she slept soundly in her crib in her nursery. She never looked back, but continued to sleep in the PNP (we moved it downstairs) for naps during the day.
Since we have a 2 BR and our house is on the mkt, we are buying a co-sleeper for DD #2 to keep in our room, and keeping the PNP downstairs until we move. (Which I pray is this summer, at the latest!!)
Nicholas was in our room in a bassinet until he was almost 2 months old exactly. We kept him in our room since I was EP'ing DH would get up to feed Nicholas since I was getting up to pump so we were both up every time he got up in the middle of the night for the first 2 months. Thankfully he was a great sleeper (in the beginning he has gotten progressively worse lol) and was sleeping 6-8 hour stretches at 2 months and that is when we transitioned him. Since neither of us were having to get up multiple times a night there was no need to have him in our room.
Also, in the beginning he had REALLY horrible reflux and would reflux and choke on the acid (coming out the nose, him gasping for air, really not fun for a new mom). But thankfully by 2 months we got his medication figured out so I was more comfortable having him in his own room. I do wonder if it will be different with the next baby if I am able to nurse instead of having to pump...if that's the case it will be a whole different story I imagine since it will be only me getting up vs. both DH & myself.
Rylee was in our room for 4 months and then moved to her crib.
Parker was in my bed until 6 months and then I moved into his room. He is 2 and I still sleep in his bed with him