I've just about had it with DD leaking through diapers. We tried different brands, gone up by 2 sizes, added depends inside the diapers, I've made sure they're on well so they don't get bunched up or anything. She's getting about 10 oz between her bedtime bottle and one during the night to get her to go back to sleep. I ended up sleeping in the recliner with her last night thanks to what I think is teething and she still woke up soaked up the front. I don't even see how since she was laying on her back on me!
So I'm thinking about CDing at night. Any recs on what to try?
Re: CD at night?
We CD only at night (she's PTed during the day). We actually started CDing partly because of the night leaking. It was driving me nuts. We use BG 3.0s during the night with wool shorties on top. We use both BG inserts (the infant one and the regular one) inside the diaper (although could also stuff the pockets even more, if you wanted-- maybe with a hemp insert on the bottom). We bought wool shorties to go on top because wool keeps any wetness that escapes off their legs, and it only needs to be washed every 1-2 months-- it never smells like pee or anything, even if it gets wet, because wool is naturally antimicrobial, apparently. I got our wool shorties for about $17 on ebay and they were worth every penny!
I highly recommend it. If you are only going to CD at night, you could get by with just buying 5 dipes (around $15 apiece) and you'd only have to do washing every few days.
At night I use both BG 3.0 with both inserts and a hemp insert or I use a sbish bamboo fitted with a wool cover. I use wool footies from woolybottoms.com or a sbish cover. Either way they are pretty much bullet proof.