Billy (I still get a good laugh at that one) still doesn't have a crib. Although we've already purchased everything else (mattress, sheets, etc.), his nursery looks nothing like a nursery (aside from the changing pad on top of the dresser). There is still a full-sized bed set up in the room. Not one stitch of his clothing has been organized into drawers (all of the furniture is still filled with MY crap - note: the furniture we are using was my childhood furniture, throughout the years). All of his clothes are folded in laundry baskets in the master bedroom.
::bats eyelashes:: Do I officially win the slacker mom of the year award? My poor children. HA!
Re: Confession
P.S. - Feel free to make fun of me. I do.
P.S.S. - WHERE IS EVERYONE?! Don't you know that it's your combined duty to entertain me while I'm at work? C'mon y'all...
The only thing I wouldn't be able to live without is the crib! I get the non-attachment parenting award for making my kid sleep in his every night
Ehh... he will never remember that he was neglected as an infant... KIDDING!!!
And it's really dead in here lately. Especially on days when there are play dates! Us stuck at work are really bored while they are all out more play dates! at least, not until I have a baby and a day off work where I can come
Eh, I think our nursery has been worse. DD had a crib from the start but didn't even touch it until 4 months, and that was only for maybe an hour or 2 a night. Looking back I think I would have been better off with a bed instead of a crib!
And DD rarely has all of her clothes put away even to this day. They're clean, and folded, but usually piled up somewhere and dirty again before I get them all put back. Like stillwaiting said...LO's won't remember! I'll get my act together before she is old enough to realize, lol.
Welcome to the world Finley Michael - born 2/13/2010
Baby Sister is coming soon!
pretty much this.