Back up plan Q

Well we decided to go to the midwifes home clininc instead of at home simply because she is much closer to a hospital. I feel very comfortable there so this is no problem. She has a great birthing tub there too Yes

Anyways I was wondering if I should write up an emergency c-section plan. I am not sure if it would really be nessecary because if in the event I do need to be transfered it would be an emergency so its not like they will take the time to read a birth plan or follow what is in it. Just curious if you ladies had any thoughts.

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Re: Back up plan Q

  • It can't hurt.  If anything, it will help you mentally prepare for the possibility of an emergency C-section.
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  • I don't think it could hurt.  An emergency c-section doesn't necessarily mean that you are in a crash-type situation.  With my emergency c-section, we had plenty of time to go over our requests with the midwife and OB, and it was useful to refer back to our birth plan, which had included a c-section portion.  Your plan could include any number of things, including instructions on newborn care if there is anything in particular you do/don't want done, which will be helpful if you are unable to see your LO immediately afterwards.  Best of luck! 

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  • I delivered in a hospital with a midwife, but I had a birth plan for a c/s as well just in case.  I knew if I needed a c/s I wanted it to be different than my first.  Plus, as PP mentioned, emergency c/s are always what we think of as an emergency.

    We are planning a homebirth this time, but I still plan to have my c/s birth plan just in case we end up at the hospital.

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