I know people who have had kids at all 3 of those schools and they had nothing but great things to say. Noah is on the waiting list at Potter's House. We actually haven't been to see it yet, I meant to schedule it today, but didn't have free time at work today (When I first called they weren't doing tours yet) We went ahead and put him on the waiting list without seeing it mainly because since he didn't meet the age cutoff, we wanted him to be at/near the top.
I felt the most comfortable picking that place without seeing it because a neighbor's son is there right now in the 3 year old class, and another neighbor just left there as a teacher (she only left because she took a job babysitting another little girl on my street) She highly recommended it.
Re: KIMorgan
Let's see if I can remember
I looked into (online) -
Cornerstone https://www.cornerstonechurch.org/
Potter's House https://www.ppcog.com/383750.ihtml
Pleasant Park https://pleasantpreppreschool.org/
I know people who have had kids at all 3 of those schools and they had nothing but great things to say. Noah is on the waiting list at Potter's House. We actually haven't been to see it yet, I meant to schedule it today, but didn't have free time at work today (When I first called they weren't doing tours yet) We went ahead and put him on the waiting list without seeing it mainly because since he didn't meet the age cutoff, we wanted him to be at/near the top.
I felt the most comfortable picking that place without seeing it because a neighbor's son is there right now in the 3 year old class, and another neighbor just left there as a teacher (she only left because she took a job babysitting another little girl on my street) She highly recommended it.