
Do you dress the same as your coworkers?

And no, not on purpose. There are 6 people on my team here at work. Yesterday, we all had on some combination of purple/black/grey. Today, the girl that I sit next to is dressed exactly the same as me, light blue sweater and pinstripe pants. What the heck?
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Re: Do you dress the same as your coworkers?

  • Used to happen all the time when I worked at a bookstore.  At least twice a week.  It was insane.  Guys and girls.  We all hung out a lot outside of work, too.  I guess we were just all in sync somehow.
  • My mom and I always dress alike. Down to wearing the same shirt when we go somewhere. It's extra fun when my sister comes to town because then we're all dressed alike.

    And no, not on purpose. 

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  • At least once a week we all come in wearing the same color.  LOL Totally random and unplanned, but hysterical in how frequently it happens.

    And yeah, we're all good friends too.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

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  • It actually does happen pretty frequently but isn't planned. I guess when you spend that much time together you're on the same wavelength. I have a friend who in h.s. used to show up to school dressed like me. I mean exactly. It was so funny and people never believed we didn't plan it.

  • It happens here quite a bit too. Several of us will wear the same color/shirt/pants.
  • No, but I work with all 55 year old men.  And engineers at that.  I think they are all still wearing the same plaid button downs and kahki pants they were wearing 15 years ago. Smile 
  • Yes, all the time!  We've also noticed that we all wear grey and black on Mondays.  We must be super excited to start the week.  lol
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • Yes and no.  I work with men mostly.  It is an industrial setting, so we don't get very dressed up in any given day.  We all have puffy winter vests that we often wear inside throughout the day as it gets fairly cold.  It's kind of funny when I think about it.
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