Cloth Diapering

Have you seen the Bummis Newborn Pack?

They are on Kelly's Closet. $36 for 12 of those lovely Bummis prefolds and 2 wraps. Two of these makes a complete newborn stash for under a hundred dollars, I think I might be revising my Fuzzibunz XS/ Happy Heiny Mini plans.
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Re: Have you seen the Bummis Newborn Pack?

  • You may want to try them out before you buy a whole stash. I bought a bunch and ended up not liking them. Plus, the bummis smallest size prefold was super big on my 7lb newborn.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have the newborn kit that came with 24 prefolds and 4(?) size small diapers as well as a wet bag, fleece liners, normal liners and a sample of bum bum cream.  It cost $154 cdn I think.  I am hoping it is going to work for us.  But I have had to also buy nb size wraps because the smalls that come with it will be way to big.
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