Cloth Diapering

Diaper rash :( help!

DD has a bad rash that started yesterday after what I'm assuming was a bad poop (DH changed her). 

I tried CJs and Bum Bum Balm yesterday, and it barely helped. Those have worked before with minor irritation but we haven't had a bad rash. I put some CA Baby and a fleece liner last night and it looked a bit better this morning. 

I got home from work and it looks so much worse again (my mom was using the CJs I left out for her).

It looks like a burn almost. Its not bumpy, just bright red and starting to get raw in some spots, but no ammonia smell so I don't think its an ammonia burn...

Any idea what could be going on? Its on her bum and her vagina.  

I just slathered on some zinc oxide thick cream that I got at the hospital when I had her. I'm hoping it helps. I really don't want to go out and buy sposies and put those on her since she's had a rash with sposies before so I think that could actually aggravate the situation more than help. 


So.... any ideas or suggestions? :( 


ETA: Sorry this is rambly.  


Re: Diaper rash :( help!

  • imageagis:
    If it doesn't go away with the diaper rash creams, you could try Lotrimin AF.  I've heard it can work for a yeast rash, so if she does have a yeast infection it might ease it a little bit.

    What does a yeast rash look like? I thought those were bumpy?

  • Sounds like you might have a yeast issue.  CJ's makes a butter that has a yeast-fighting formula to it that is supposed to work great.  In the meantime, your CDs may be reinfecting your LO if they do have yeast.  I've never dealt with it so I'm not sure exactly how to get rid of it- super duper hot water maybe?  Hopefully someone else has some good advice.  Hope it clears up soon!
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  • For us, and what our pedi recommended was to use the desitin paste, the one with the highest content of zinc oxide.  Its not CD safe but just use liners and you should be ok.  Also try and be diaper free as much as you can too.  Another thing that can help is an oatmeal bath.  You can take a sock or pantyhose and put like a cup of oats in there, tie it shut, and toss it in the bath. 
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  • My son has a yeast rash. It's red with small, flat, darker red circles.
  • J. is prone to diaper rashes. It's gotten much better since I now try to give him some diaper free time every day.

    Seriously, even just 10 to 15 minutes of being diaperless everyday has way cut down on rashes/redness.
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  • I think its yeast will have to bleach all of your diapers and she can't wear them again until it is healed. :(

    When bleaching make sure you include everything that touches her bum. I washed everything first like I normally would, then did a hot cycle with 1/3 cup of bleach and an extra rinse. then a hot cycle with an extra rinse with no detergent or anything.

     For the yeast rash I used lortomin and it took about 4 days to completely heal, but after 24hours it look A LOT better.


    Good Luck!!!

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  • I googled pictures of yeast diaper rash and it doesn't look like that. There are no bumps on my DD. I'm pretty sure this started because of a poopy diaper but I wasn't home so I can't be certain. 
  • This doesn't sound like a yeast rash my daughter used to have those.  Get some triple paste it is AMAZING (not CD safe so use a liner).  This stuff is magic.  Also ditto the airing of the bum esp. before bedtime for 10-15 minutes.
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  • DD gets horribly red if we don't notice a poopy diper right away.  When she was younger we used to give her naked time in her pack n play for 20-30 min in the am and that drastically helped.  I just put a few large beach towels down and let her play with some washable toys!  We only had one messy situation doing that.

    Also, she did once have a yeast rash and it sounds just like your DD's... it became raw and it was soooo inflamed she screamed when we touched her.  It was so awful.  We used 1/2 desitin and 1/2 lotrimin cream and plenty of airing out to clear it up. 

    Hope she feels better soon!

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  • When dd gets a bad rash, we use triple paste. It usually clears it up in a day or two. And do as much naked time as possible. Before Reese was crawling, I would just lay her on a towel, in case she peed!
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  • it doesn't sound like yeast. Try a warm bath with some baking soda.  For bad rashes Arbonne works the best for us, clears it up overnight.  i don't think you can get it at a store though.  I would try some desitin or something like that tonight with a fleece liner and see how it looks in the morning.
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  • imageNikki1007:
    it doesn't sound like yeast. Try a warm bath with some baking soda.  For bad rashes Arbonne works the best for us, clears it up overnight.  i don't think you can get it at a store though.  I would try some desitin or something like that tonight with a fleece liner and see how it looks in the morning.

    Yeah, it doesn't sound like it to me either but we've never had a yeast rash... Its not raised or bumpy at all and looks nothing like the pictures I found on Google.

    Right now she's slathered in some diaper cream the level II nurse gave us at the hospital when she had a reaction to Pampers. I put a fleece liner in her diaper. Hopefully it looks better soon. :( 

  • This is going to sound crazy but if the desitin doesn't work try using a mixture of Maalox, neosporin, and zinc oxide.  We had our fair share of rashes after antibiotics with DS and that combination overnight worked for us.  The Maalox cuts the redness/burning, the neosporin prevents secondary bacterial infections, and the zinc oxide will help soothe.  
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