
Anyone ever get shaky during pregnancy?

I'm about 28w and was hit by the strangest weak and shaky feeling.  It's lasted for probably the last 30-45 minutes and came out of nowhere -- my arms and legs are visibly shaky and I just feel "off."


Anyone else ever experience this?  Any idea what it is?  I'm not dehydrated and I've eaten plenty this morning. 

Re: Anyone ever get shaky during pregnancy?

  • How has your blood pressure been? ?Did you get up really fast or anything? ?When I'd stand up fast I'd get really shaky but the doctor said that was probably because of my wonky blood pressure (ended up with pre-e that pregnancy). ?
  • Yes and my doc said it was normal. I was waiting for the bus at about the same time and I got so weak and shaky and couldn't see normal, I almost sat on the floor at the bus stop. It was scary but I never had it again.
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  • Yes and my blood sugar was always low b/c when I drank some water and ate something I felt better after.  Get some food, drink, and rest.  If it doesn't go away might want to call the doc and also check your bp.
  • I had my BP checked yesterday -- it was 100/60.  I definitely feel weak...and almost "outside of myself."
  • this would happen to me all the time in my second pregnancy. It was a blood-sugar issue for me, too. I had gestational-diabetes. Try eating some protein and fruit and see if that helps stabilize you a little.
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  • When I was pg w/ Alissa, I would have that happen. I could be out shopping, and I would have to sit down because I felt so faint and shaky. I talked to my dr about it, but there was nothing wrong w/ me.
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