Cincinnati Babies

Is my kid going to be the last one to potty train?

That's how I'm feeling these days. (yes, I'm having a pity party) She just doesn't care about it, no matter how much I talk it up, we offer incentives, etc. 

So how did you get your kid to put their waste in the toilet? I need your best tips. This seems really hard right now.

image Ready to rumble.

Re: Is my kid going to be the last one to potty train?

  • I can pretty much assure you, she will not.

    Ellie is nowhere near it. Her pediatrician said not to push her on it until she's 3. I figure she's accomplished every other milestone exactly when she was ready and not a minute before. I expect this will be the same way.


    Photo by Melissa Nicole Photography

  • Charlotte was like that.  I tried at 2.5 because Evelyn was so ready.  Evelyn took to it immediately and Charlotte did not.  We ended up waiting a few months and trying again.  Even the second time, she was not a "natural."  She got down the potty thing, but at times was just to lazy to go.  So we ended up giving her incentives only if she had an accident-free day.  It took about a week (after several weeks of trying without incentives) and it finally worked.

    Hang in there. 

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  • I talked to DS's pedi at his 3 year well visit and he wasn't concerned that he isn't even interested.  I mean the kid has a fit if you even ask him if he wants to sit on the potty fully clothed.  We've tried everything: bribes with candy, a new train, aiming at we just casually talk about it now and try not to push him to a meltdown.  In the spring, we plan to spend a weekend pantsless and see if that works.  He is pretty excited about starting school in the fall and they will take him even in diapers, but we plan to tell him he can't go unless he uses the potty.  Hoping that may work.....

    Good luck!!!

    Jennie Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I doubt it.  It's two steps forward, three steps back with us. 

    Is she anti everything?  Is there anything about the toilet or the overall lprocess that she seems interested in?  Is she interested in your process? 

  • Nope.  DS is 2 months older than your daughter and he isn't the least bit interested.  I'm not going to push it right now and plan on talking to the pedi at his 3 year well visit for some advice if he still shows no interest.  We've talked it up and have offered incentives, etc.  No go. (Literally and figuratively)
  • imageJLPT830:

    He is pretty excited about starting school in the fall and they will take him even in diapers, but we plan to tell him he can't go unless he uses the potty.  Hoping that may work.....

    Ellie really does have to be potty trained before preschool, and this is my plan as well. I casually mentioned it to her the other day and she thought I meant Mom's Day Out, which she calls school now. She looked panicked. The kid loves school and I am hoping it motivates her this spring/summer.


    Photo by Melissa Nicole Photography

  • She just resists when I mention the potty. And doesn't understand why she doesn't get a treat just for sitting on the toilet. Physically, I know she's ready. She's a camel and can hold it a loooooong time. She can pull up her pants herself. She tells us after she pees sometimes, but not after she poops.

    I know I've mentioned this before, but the trouble I think we will have is that she holds it and pees and especially poops when I put her down for a nap. I've been offering the potty before naptime but it's not clicking yet. 

    image Ready to rumble.
  • I guess I don't really know what people mean when they say a child is "ready" or not. I would imagine there are as many different definitions of "ready" as there are people to ask. By many people's definition Katherine is not "ready" because she never did anything on the potty and actively fought us when we would catch her pooping and try to put her on the potty. Nevertheless we put her in underwear yesterday and had to change them 6 times in the first two hours. But we only had to change them twice after that. And today she's only had two accidents. In the last 24 hours she has successfully used the potty 10 times. I just decided that we were potty training now. Honestly, I don't know that I would recognize "ready."

    My SIL's boy is over 3 and he actively tells her before he needs to poop and asks for her help finding a good place to go so he can do so. She helps him find a secluded corner or small room like the laundry room (but never the bathroom - don't ask me why). She isn't potty training him yet because she "doesn't want to force it and is waiting until he's ready." WTF? If that isn't ready I don't know what is. So really, I don't know what "ready" is. I just decided it was time and we're giving it a go. 

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageMoesten:

    My SIL's boy is over 3 and he actively tells her before he needs to poop and asks for her help finding a good place to go so he can do so. She helps him find a secluded corner or small room like the laundry room (but never the bathroom - don't ask me why). She isn't potty training him yet because she "doesn't want to force it and is waiting until he's ready." WTF? If that isn't ready I don't know what is. So really, I don't know what "ready" is. I just decided it was time and we're giving it a go. 

    dead Indifferent

  • When Ava was between 2 and 2.5 we did naked potty training and she did great with it, but then regressed when she hit a stubborn phase (and it wasn't just with potty training, it was with every freakin' thing).  Everyone kept telling me not to stress about it and she would do it when she was ready, and kinda like Moesten I just kept thinking to myself "HELLO!  She was doing fine with going on the potty!  If she wasn't ready, then why on Earth was she doing it?"  I finally decided to back off, and then about a month before her 3rd birthday she started asking to use the potty on her own and she stayed dry from that very day.  So as far as being "ready" I guess she was physically ready and capable when we first trained her, but wasn't mentally ready until a little later on.

    Ava Caroline 8.27.07 I Charlotte Grace 5.18.09 I Lila Katherine 1.20.11

  • Thanks ladies, you've made me feel better. I think we have to back off and not be too pushy with Maggie. Figure out how to make it seem like her idea. I'm just tired of nasty toddler poop diapers. She's got some man-sized BM's sometimes. Ugh. Selfish, I know. 
    image Ready to rumble.
  • I can't help with the advice, but I can gaurentee you that she won't be the last to potty train.  Max will be three in May and we haven't even introduced it to him yet because he can't pee like a normal kid (and he may never be able to depending on a few tests that will be coming up later in the year). 

    Chin up.  She will get there when she is ready.

  • imageKristenBtobe:
    I'm just tired of nasty toddler poop diapers. She's got some man-sized BM's sometimes. Ugh. Selfish, I know. 

    This just made me LMAO!  I'm right there with you, friend.  You know've been witness to the landpile of poo that is my late morning/early afternoon routine.  Ick!

  • We're just starting to show a ton of interest.  It came out of nowhere too.  So I'm going with it.  That being said, he's not completely sold on it, so I'm not pushing...  He says wants to sit on the potty, but is more interested in the toilet paper and flushing than sitting to pee.  And then he refuses to sit on it after asking to sit on it (it's just a bit frustrating).  So, until he actually wants to sit on it consistently, I'm not pushing.   

    fwiw, I think my nephew was 3.5 before he really potty trained.  His parents pushed at 3, but he just fought them.  They took a break for a few months and then he was ready and completely fine now.  Hope that helps.



  • Maggie will have some stiff competition in Logan for last potty trained child. Smile Despite thinking the "Go Potty Go" video is awesome, and thinking Buzz and Woody big boy undies are cool (to look at, not to wear mind you) he refused to go on the potty.  Like others, I guess I will have to play the preschool card.  He has to be trained before he can go, and he is REALLY excited about preschool, despite not really knowing what it actually is.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Uh, nope, kristenb! 

    DD is STILL not showing clear signs of readiness, and she'll be 3 at the end of March.. oy. 

    She tells us when she goes pee/poop, but does not seem perturbed to be sitting in a dirty diaper. 

    I really wished I wasn't going to have 2 LO's in dipes, but it seems like that will be the case. Oh well. My pedi also said not to push her, since the new baby will arrive soon, and she would prob. regress anyhoo.

    I am going to try more this late spring/summer while I'm on maternity leave. 

    I feel your pain! 

  • we are practicing, and jacob has gone pee on the potty a few times each day, but still goes in pull ups/under surely isn't consistent and we are not pushing him.
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