
Stop. Taking. Your. Clothes. Off.

I have dressed both my kids TWICE already today.

They have: stripped off their jammies at breakfast and eaten au natural. Once dressed, they have gotten nekkid twice.

DD is running around in a diaper and carrying a magic wand, and DS is in a pullup, barn jacket, safari hat and is carrying a bug net.

I give up.

AKA KnittyB*tch
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008


Re: Stop. Taking. Your. Clothes. Off.

  • Just take a picture or videotape them and let them play.   You can use the videotape as blackmail when they become teenagers.Smile
  • my son is always naked too. Makes me crazy.  DD isn't as bad, but when she is naked she usually takes her diaper off too. It's cute until she poops on my floor.
    Christmas 2009 image
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  • Maile is always naked, or sometimes in panties. The child hates clothes. She loves to say "Mommy, look at my neeples. So pretty, Mommy!" or "See my nakey butt! Pinch my nakey! Pank it!"

    The child has some issues clearly. 

  • The past two days DD has worn a bathing suit all day. She says she is playing beach. I guess she is tired of the cold weather too.
    Abigail Marie 6/30/06 Benjamin Charles 5/30/09 image
  • Aaaaaand they're naked again. <sigh>

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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