It's amazing how much of a slacker I am this time around, but I don't feel like I need a whole lot. What am I forgetting that I will need for baby #2? She's a girl, and she's due in early April. I've bought pretty much nothing in the way of clothes because the weather that time of year is so iffy, so I'm a little nervous about that. I'm thinking onesies and cotton pull on pants at first, and maybe some cotton one piece outfits. B was born in late July and was 9 lbs, 2 oz, so he never wore newborn clothes, so I'm not even sure about what size to buy.
Other than that, here's what I'm thinking I'll need:
a new mattress (for some reason I hate thinking about buying this, although of course it's a necessity)
new tubing for my pump
crib sheets
some diapers in case she can't wear BGs right away
more swaddles, although I'll probably wait to make sure she likes being swaddled.
another monitor (we have a video monitor in B's room, which I love, and I hate to buy another expensive monitor. Could we get by with a regular monitor for a newborn, and keep the video one with B?)
Why does this list seem so short?
Re: What do I need for baby #2?
My list wasn't too long either. We're having another boy, so I haven't bought too may new clothes. I got him a new outfit to come home in, a "little brother" outfit and a few other things. We'll probably end up needing quite a bit more because they're going to be born in different seasons (Oct/Mar) but we're just waiting to see, we've got enough to get by for now.
Other stuff on my list:
2nd monitor (both of ours are regular ones, never had a video one)
Bedding/room decor
Boppy (mine was pretty worn)
Bathtub (we had a fabric one that got moldy)
Swaddle Me's
A few blankets
New bottle nipples
Milk storage
Yep, that's pretty much it. I honestly can't think of anything else.
With the BGs not fitting right away and if your baby is on the small size anyway, you may want to consider a newborn cloth diaper rental. Just google it and you'll find the best options. Those KS0s are awesome.