Detroit Babies

Berkley/RO area daycare

Anyone want to recommend their daycare in the Berkley/RO area?  The daycare that I am planning to send my LO to isn't accepting new kids until September, so I need a daycare for May-August.  Berkley schools have an infant program, but we won't know until April if they have openings, which makes me nervous to wait that long and close to when we would need daycare.  I'm open to any sort of licensed daycare facility.
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Re: Berkley/RO area daycare

  • Have you checked out Tyndall?  It is technically in Oak Park, but is a part of the Berkley Public Schools.  Some friends of ours love it there.
  • Just answered the post below... DS goes to Olive Branch and we are very happy with it
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  • My DD goes to Great Lakes Child Dev. Center in Royal Oak and we absolutely love it there. It's a very family like atmosphere and they're located in a former elementary school so there's a gymnasium, big playground, etc. I don't know what their availability is for May time frame though - I know there was a wait list when we signed up. Good luck!
  • We visited many centers in this area and narrowed it down to Katie's Kids and Great Lakes Child Dev. Center, both in Royal Oak.  We liked them both but ultimately chose Katie's Kids because it was a little more family oriented.  They even have a monthly "Date Night" where parents can sign up to have their children watched for a night at a nominal fee.
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