
monitor with two cameras

Is there a video monitor that comes with two cameras? I haven't been able to find one, which leads me to my next question. What kind of video monitor do you have that is able to connect to an additional camera (separately purchased)? I just want to be able to switch back and forth between cribs on one monitor in my bedroom.

Re: monitor with two cameras

  • I have a Lorex from and then bought an additional camera, it can go up to 4 cameras if you want. It toggles back and forth between cameras and then has a power save mode, if one of the kids starts making noise it turns on, there is a slider thing that you decide how sensitive you want it. Its wireless so you don't have to worry about interference. We've had ours for 15 months now and haven't had a problem with it.
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  • We have the Slim & Secure.  I think it costs around $150, and the extra monitor  is about $90.  We bought it at Babies R Us, but had to order the extra monitor online. We've been very happy with it so far. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Married 5/24/2003 TTC since 5/2007 IUI #1 10/2008 -- :) M/C 12/08 -- :( IUI #2 3/2009 -- :( IUI #3 6/2009 -- :( IUI #4 7/2009 -- :( IUI #5 9/2009 -- :( IVF 5/2010 -- TWINS!! :)
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  • I have this.  You can buy the extra camera separately.  I was going to just buy the extra camera, but we decided to go ahead and buy a whole other set instead so I didn't have to switch back and forth from channel a to b. 
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • We have the MobiCams. They sell them at BRU.

    We purchased a second camera online from...Amazon I believe. They work great, no complaints.

    Walmart sells a bundle, I'd probably go this route. If you were to buy them separately I think it'd be more expensive.


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • We have the Summer Infant Best View, which only comes with one camera, but has pan and zoom functions so you can see 2 cribs with one camera (we also happened to get another camera, so we can cover 2 rooms at the same time). It's been great.
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  • imagethiswillbe:
    We have the Summer Infant Best View, which only comes with one camera, but has pan and zoom functions so you can see 2 cribs with one camera

     This is the one we plan on getting too. FYI its on sale at target right now (thru Sat) normally 199 on sale for 149, good deal.

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  • We have the MobiCam and I **HATE** the damn thing. It's actually being returned before my 90 days are up. It has never worked right.

    The sound randomly decides it doesn't want to work, the camera won't work sometimes (it will be static) until it decides it wants to start working again (or until I smash it into the dresser....that usually gets it working). And for some reason that I cannot figure out, they are too different colors/contrasts for the two cameras. The one that is on Taylen's crib is a lot darker on the monitor and the camera on Tage's crib. I have tried to figure out how to adjust it and fix it so they are the same and I can't. it's a lost cause.

    I don't know if it's just my MobiCam that has done this and I'm the only one with the problem with it, but I seriously hate that monitor. I actually told DH that I was going to throw it in the snow last night Wink (the sound wouldn't work)

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  • I used a one camera Summer Infant video monitor for my first child and plan to get the two cameral version for the twins. We love the thing!
  • we have the summer infant slim & secure handheld color video monitor and we love it. You can put up to 4 cameras on the monitor and set it to scan and every 8 seconds it switches
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