We are expecting twins...the godmothers have offered to host a shower for us and asks for some suggestions on dates.
Right now we are in the high risk category (suffering from pPROM) and I will be admitted to the hospital relativley soon for the duration.
One of the godmothers suggested doing a shower before I get admitted, but I feel like it's going to be hard to throw it together in a short time frame (1 week or less). And I have to admit DH and I are scared to have a shower at this point because we are also having some problems with one of the babies. And don't know the outcome.
It's possible they could be very early preemies and if I make it to 35 weeks they are planning to induce or do a c-section at that point.
Re: WWYD regarding date for shower?
Do you have the absolute necessities for the babies? As long as you are not relying on gifts from your shower before you take them home, I think a better option for you might be a "Meet the Babies" party/shower.