
wait, what was wrong w/ baby Isaac?

I must've missed the whole story. ?That is so very sad. ?I am glad that his parents were able to spend that time with him.?

What happened? ?can someone fill me in? ?

Re: wait, what was wrong w/ baby Isaac?


    From what I understand, he had a lot of issues, including stomach problems

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  • I'd like to know too.

    Me with my littlest.
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     So sad.  They knew from early on that he had a lot of problems and would likely not live for long, if at all.  Get your kleenex out if you plan on visiting the blog.

  • crap, I thought I edited that it's


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  • Nope, I don't need to read that. 

    Me with my littlest.
  • Is she a nestie? And am I reading right, did she lose another baby prior to Isaac?

    God Bless them!

  • Here's a C&P from her blog:

    They brought me in at 10:30 to check the heartbeat on the doppler. No heartbeat. So, they sent me for a sonogram. They found a good heartbeat, but also found two very concerning abnormalities... an abdominal defect (omphalocele) and more concerning, something called a cystic hygroma. Basically, it is a thick cystic thing filled with fluid on the back of the baby's neck. The fold on the baby's neck should measure 1-2mm. Our baby's measured well over 8mm. Since my miscarriage was also the result of a chromosomal abnormality (triploidy), they sent us to a genetic counselor. We met for a while with the genetic counselor who basically she suspects another chromosomal abnormality with the baby. When I asked specifically what she suspected, she named two trisomy disorders (trisomy 13 and 18) both of which are lethal, usually with the baby being carried to term or close to it, and then either being stillborn or dieing shortly thereafter. An omphalocele or umbilical hernia is also often present with both of these trisomies. She suggested doing a chromosomal test (called CVS), so we went to Holy Cross Hospital to have that done. The doctor there also measured the thickness of the baby's neck, and said that given the severity of the thickness, that research only suggests a 10-15% chance of viability, meaning the baby being born alive (not a normal, healthy birth or life). There was no ray of hope in anything we heard yesterday. The "best case" scenario would be Turner's Syndrome or Down Syndrome, the worst being the trisomy 13 or 18. Some of the students at Stephen Knolls, the school with children with severe and profound disabilities where Spencer used to work, had those coniditons. The genetic counselor also said she was concerned about a possible heart defect, but that it's too early to tell that.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Yes, she is a nestie.  I first read her story on Pregnancy Loss (why the heck I endend up there, IDK).  She had an early mc before Isaac and was also active on the success after a loss board.  

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  • I tried to read it, but now I'm crying and I had to stop. 
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  • I could not imagine.?


    I'm going to go hug Layla now.


    Thoughts and prayers to her and her husband. ?

  • toPP - she is a nestie - coolteacher79.  She has written some of the most beautiful letters to Isaac.  You should read them.  she did have a m/c last Nov, I think.

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