Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Puts himself to sleep but won't stay asleep?

So yesterday I decided to start trying to put DS down drowsy but awake and let him do the rest.  He goes to sleep easily.  Fusses off and on for a few minutes, but is asleep in probably 5-10minutes.  But it's like he can't stay asleep.  He wakes up after 15-20minutes fussing and squirming.  I've tried leaving him alone, but he eventually works himself into a cry so I get him.  Because of this, he barely napped at all today.  He had a 45minute nap and 2 or 3 20min. naps.  Yikes!  If I rock him until he's totally asleep and then lay him down, this doesn't happen.  He'll nap for a good 1.5-2hrs at least.  What's the deal?
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Re: Puts himself to sleep but won't stay asleep?

  • Hmm...

    Do you swaddle?

    How long is he awake before you put him down, and he falls asleep?

  • I should hope not! He can't sleep forever!
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  • Mine fusses himself awake if he's not swaddled because of his moro reflex (basically his arms waving around wakes him up). I wonder if that's what is happening with yours.

    SN: My little man has the same sleeper. I love that one it's so cute!

  • imageKeyRyn320:

    Mine fusses himself awake if he's not swaddled because of his moro reflex (basically his arms waving around wakes him up). I wonder if that's what is happening with yours.

    SN: My little man has the same sleeper. I love that one it's so cute!

    My DS does the same thing.  When we swaddle DS he puts himself to sleep and will stay asleep without a problem.

  • imageimeltice:

    Mine fusses himself awake if he's not swaddled because of his moro reflex (basically his arms waving around wakes him up). I wonder if that's what is happening with yours.

    SN: My little man has the same sleeper. I love that one it's so cute!

    My DS does the same thing.  When we swaddle DS he puts himself to sleep and will stay asleep without a problem.

    Yup, this. Been doing it since Day 1.

  • Yep he's swaddled and I put him down after about 45mins- 1 hour of awake time.
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