Hi ladies... last week I started getting these sharp twinges in the left side of my lower abdomen. Today, I started getting them on my right side. I didnt think RLP was suposed to start until the 2nd trimester. But considering I'm having triplets, could it be RLP? I'm very anxious. I think I need some reassurance that it is normal. I haven't had any spotting at all. Thanks ladies!
Re: Round ligament pain?
Sounds like RLP to me. I had RLP in both of my pregnancies starting around the 8th week. But remember to always call the dr. with any concerns. Congrats on your pregnancy.
Thanks ladies... just left my RE's office (he released me to a peri). Had my 2nd ultrasound, babies are doing great. All 3 heartbeats in the 170's and measuring right on track. He said in a normal pregnancy RLP doesn't usually start till around 10 weeks, but nothing about my pregnancy is normal. and being almost 9 weeks pregnant, he said it is probably RLP. So I do feel much better!
I think it is RLP, my doctors said with twins (or more) you are going to feel pains more. I never felt any of this pain with my first pregnancy (1 boy).
I thought I was having round ligament pain but discovered with a trip to the chiroprator it was something to do with my pelvis that he can fix. Maybe a good chiro will help you as well??? Just a thought!
(second set of twins due April 25)
I had RLP in first tri.
How far along are you? Your ticker says you're wayyy past due (hee hee), but your siggy says ultrasound 1/18??