So, my daycare signed up for this thing called kindersomeshiit where they do gym and dance with the kids. Ok, this is during daycare hours and for DD's class, it'll be in her room which means she has to leave HER room and go upstairs while the kids that are signed up have this thing going on. I'm kind of pissed because I pay for my DD to go there and have fun and learn and now she has to go into another room during her time.
And yes, I'm also a little pissed off because I just can't sign her up for this at the moment and don't feel she should suffer.
Shouldn't this be like an after school thing? Am I overeacting because I'm bitter?
Re: I have a Daycare complaint!
I don't think you're completely overreacting. ?Where is it that your DD's class has to go while this class overtakes her room??
?If she gets to go play outside or something, maybe that's ok.. but if she's just kind of forced out of her room and moved somewhere else where there's really nothing for her to do, I'd be pissed.?
Are they charging extra for this???? That's kind of crappy, IMO. ?
What kind of room is she going to? If it's a windowless closet with no toys, yeah, I'd be pissed. But if it's just another daycare room, who cares? I'd actually prefer that than my DS spending all day long in a single room.
They do this at DDs school but it's usually "after school," but while she is still there.
According to their schedule the school day ends at 2p, after that it's mostly free play until the parents come to pick them up (MIL gets DD between 330-430p). They have the kinderclasses (her school does an Art class that I refuse to pay for) one day a week from 3-4pm. During that time DD goes into the infant/toddler room to play.
I think it's pointless and won't sign her up... hopefully she doesn't feel left out or anything.
It is extra money, it's only once a week for 30 minutes.
August, you're missing the point. I pay enough money for my DD to go there, I don't think her day should be distupted even if she's just going into another room, she won't be alone, not all the kids are participating. But I feel they might here all the fun going on in their room, it's not fair and I fell the daycare owner is just being greedy having this during our time that we already paid for. I'm sure she gets a part of the extra money for this class too.
Again, I am bitter. I'm sure if my DD could participate, I wouldn't have an issue with it
it sucks that they're making kids leave the room instead of having it in a different room all together... that just does not sound right.
Have you asked them why they're doing it this way?
Ethan used to go to another tiny room with little toys for his afterschool program last year and it took me awhile to get used to this, but then I started thinking that it was good for him to change scenery too.
Is this a daily thing or couple of times a week thing? Are there toys/entertainment for the kids in that other room? How long do they do the kindersh!t thing?
never mind, I already read your reply after I posted....
it sucks that the kids have to be split. she should hold the class in a neutral room. svoloch!
I don't think it's that big of a deal. Our daycare has a similar thing. You can sign up for extra programs like music, dance, reading, Spanish, etc. The kids who participate in the "electives" go to another room. If your child is just going to play in another room, I don't see the big deal. She is still getting the same level of care. I don't think parents who want the extra programs and are willing and able to pay for them should not have them available because some parents don't want them. That's just life. There are always going to be things available for your child that you don't want them in or can't afford.
My kid takes a couple of "electives." He doesn't notice when other kids go to their programs that he doesn't go to. Your child probably won't even notice what is going on.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}