Cloth Diapering

Any Travel Tips

Hello all!

We've been cloth diapering since the beginning, my daughter was born November 2010, and we're about to take our first trip. Friday to Sunday from Texas to Minnesota via a 2 hour flight. We'll be staying with a friend so I'll have access to a washer. I'm not completely confident about cloth diapering for this extended period away from home though. 

Usually for day trips we've used gpants and at home pocket diapers (BumGenuis, FuzziBunz, Kawaii, and a few hand made). We usually do great at home and have very few leaks. I've personally had a great experience with the gpants, although poo puts them out of commission until washed. I have two small zippered wet bags, but not a large one.

What are your tips for traveling with cloth? How many go with a fully disposable diaper for travel, which ones are good?

 Thanks all!


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Re: Any Travel Tips

  • We flew with CDs when DD was four months old.  We were gone Wednesday through Saturday.

    I brought about 20 CDs and cloth wipes, two medium wet bags (for the diaper bag), and two large wet bags to hang in the hotel bathroom.  I did laundry at the hotel on Friday morning and packed up everything from Friday in a large wet bag and zipped it in a separate compartment of my suitcase (checked).

    Other than the diapers taking up a ton of space in the suitcase, it was totally fine.  We were already taking one large suitcase for the three of us, so I was able to squeeze everything in.  If I had had to pay for an extra bag just to CD, I probably would have done disposables.

    FWIW, the other time we've traveled we went to a cabin with no washer for a week.  DD was in disposables the whole time and had her first blowout in the car seat on the drive was terrible!


    TTC since 11/05...ectopic pg 4/08...early m/c 6/09...BFP 10/5/09!
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    TTC #2 since 7/11...cycle #3 of Clomid + IUI = BFP
    Malcolm...September 21, 2012...8lbs, 6oz...Another med-free birth!
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  • We usually do cloth if we have free access to a washer/dryer, or if the trip is short enough that we don't have to do laundry. We usually bring a large wetbag to hold the dirty diapers, but you could get away with two small wetbags if they are large enough to hold all your diapers until you can do laundry. Cloth diapers do take up a lot of space in the suitcase. I've thought about buying or making more AI2's -- we don't use them much at home, but they'd be great for travel, since we could bring just a few shells and then tons of inserts.

    If we don't have free access to a washer/dryer and the trip is long enough that we'll need to do laundry, we use disposables. Cost is a major reason why we CD... laundromats are expensive, and so are disposable inserts. Disposable diapers are cheaper. I don't feel guilty about using them for a total of MAYBE a few weeks a year, compared to how much time we use cloth.

    When we do use disposables, I just get whatever is cheapest. They all suck equally Smile Since we use them so infrequently, we always have tons of coupons to use.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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