VBAC OB in North Phoenix area?

Hi Ladies,

My DH and I are thinking of moving to North Phoenix and I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a OB that is pro VBAC.


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Re: VBAC OB in North Phoenix area?

  • You might get some other responses if you post this on the local board, but I happen to live in North Phoenix so I'll answer as well. :)

    The practice I went to for DS and will go to when I am pregnant again in Desert West OBGYN and it is located in North Glendale/Peoria. We are very much in the heart of "North Phoenix" and it only takes me about 15-20 minutes to get to the practice and the hospital (Banner Thunderbird) is right across the street.

    It's a large practice, but many of the OBs are very pro-VBAC so just give them a call for more info. I have had many friends have VBACs with OBs there and I have already discussed the possibility of doing this in the future (in fact - he brought up the idea at my 6 week PP appointment after DS :) ).

  • Thanks so much! I will post in local board too :)
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