
Pink Eye Q??

I think DD has pink eye. I noticed her one eye was starting to look irritated later this afternoon but I wasn't sure if she had rubbed it or had gotten something in it. Well, just now, she woke up and she had "eye goop" on her lashes and was crying hysterically. She doesn't have a fever but just has the irritated it pink eye?

If your LO has had pink eye, how do you treat it? I assume I should keep her back from her school program tomorrow and head to the dr? Do they prescribe something for her to take?

Also, how long will she need to be out of DC if she does have it? I am working a full day on Tues--should I expect to not be working if she does have pink eye? How long is it "contagious"?

Sorry all the Qs! thx for any feedback!!

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Re: Pink Eye Q??

  • In my experience (limited to my LOs and myself being infected, I have no medical background!), pink eye can be just that -- the eyes infected, but no other symptoms.  Sometimes my LOs have had it in conjunction with colds and/or ear infections, but sometimes not.  The times I've caught it from them, I've never run a fever, and I don't recall them ever having one with pinkeye, either.

    Most of the time, their (and my!) pinkeye has been able to be cleared up with antibiotic drops.  Their pedi prescribed an ointment once, but it was a nightmare to try to get into the LOs' eyes, so we requested drops after that!  We have had cases where they had to go to a stronger drop because the one we were using wasn't clearing it up.  When they've had pinkeye along with a cold or ear infection, their pedi usually gives them an oral antibiotic along with their eye drops.

    As long as we see the goop/running clear up, our pedi and daycare agree that 24 hours after starting antibiotics, they can go back to daycare.  That said, be sure to disinfect things that your DD may have been touching, and wash her sheets/blankets/etc to kill any pinkeye germs.  We've had cases where I was pretty sure my LOs reinfected themselves.

    I hope your pedi can see her in the morning so she can start feeling better!  


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  • Most of the time pink eye is a virus. When my foster son and I had it, we were not prescribed anything. His DCP also has it and she insisted on an antibiotic. Ours all cleared up at the same time. If you're unsure, I'd call the pedi and ask. Our DCP followed state guidelines which stated children should not attend DC if there is any eye drainage. If its just pink, they could attend.
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  • Pink eye is highly contagious.  LO needs to stay home, and you need to call the pedi.
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  • Asher had pink eye a few weeks ago.  The doctor gave us a prescription for an eye ointment, and within a day it was better.  He had it in both eyes, same thing with the eye goop, it was so sad to see him like that!

    Just call your doctor, I think if you start the ointment this morning, your daughter should be ok to go to DC tomorrow.

    Also, even though Asher had it, no one else in the house (including his twin brother) got it. 

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  • Thanks for your responses!

    I was able to get her an early appt today and it seems as though she just has bad sinus back up hence the irritated right eye. She was put on an antibiotic and was given the eye ointment in case the drainage picks up. She's able to go back to school tomorrow!!

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