Cloth Diapering

Diaper conversation with friends yesterday

Yesterday, I was out with 2 friends who have babies the same age as Zoe. One is a sposie user, and one uses sposies while traveling but CDs at home.

They were comparing Pampers (they had different types) and saying "mine are softer" and "mine smells better" and "mine are cuter", etc. and made me feel them. I was just thinking "ick" the whole time. LOL! 

To me they both felt rough and flimsy, and they both smelled chemically and gross. 

Just another reminder of why I really love my CDs!

ETA: I may have butted in and said "well mine are cuter and lined with OBV" Stick out tongue 


Re: Diaper conversation with friends yesterday

  • That's so funny because I don't know if I would be able to tell a difference in disposables... I would be so lost in that convo. 

    You should have said MINE are definitely cuter ;) hahaa

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  • imagemonona9:

    That's so funny because I don't know if I would be able to tell a difference in disposables... I would be so lost in that convo. 

    You should have said MINE are definitely cuter ;) hahaa

    HAHA! I did! I couldn't help it. I said "well mine are cuter and lined in OBV... so soft". lol 

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  • ha...I have had some similar convos and I usually say "How could you not want OBV or suede on your bum?"
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