2nd Trimester

Anyone mistakingly told boy, but it's a girl?

I had a friend that was told at two different u/s that she was having a girl.  One time it was even by the dr.  Now at her 7 mth random u/s they tell her it's a boy!  She's so confused and has so much pink stuff.  I know it's obviously harder to mistake "something" being there vs not, but was just wondering how much I should trust the gender.   I just don't want to commit to decor and clothes if there are a lot of you with this issue too.  Thanks!

Re: Anyone mistakingly told boy, but it's a girl?

  • I think it's rare, but it happens. Our U/S tech made no promises and was very upfront about the fact that her opinion doesn't come with a money-back guarantee.
  • I was told girl twice and found out he was a boy three days before he was born.

    I was exceptionally relieve we'd done a gender neutral nursery, and only washed the newborn clothes.  We had a crazy busy weekend of returns and then I went into labor. lol

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  • From what I have heard it is far more common for the gender guess of girl to be wrong than boy.  I have very very rarely heard of them getting boys wrong.  I have heard many times about them getting girls wrong.
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  • I think some US techs make the mistake of "absence of a penis = girl" Sometimes those little boys hide them :) As for girls, it's more common in early ultrasounds to be told boy because the clitoris can resemble a penis. Everyone always says to never cut the tags off! ;p I've also known a person who was told girl to have a surprise boy!
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  • I have a friend that happened to last year.  She was told a boy at her 18 week u/s but on delivery day out came a little girl.  It does happen that's why I'm not actually fixing up the nursery until after he's born.  I"m going to buy boy things and leave them all in the package and keep the receipts.  If it really is a boy then there will be no problem getting the crib ready and things like that.  If it ends up being a girl then at least I'll be able to return things easier.   
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  • One of my friends had ten u/s and they all said she was having a girl. She gave birth to a very healthy boy. She just laughed and went back to the stores and returned almost everything. Thankfully, she still had all of her first child's clothes who is a boy.
    Mom of 3 (Ginny 4 yrs old), (Miles 2 yrs old), and (Mason due June 15th) 
  • Yes, my FI's sister was supposedly a boy - until birth. Huge shocker! After three boys already, they def weren't ready for pink.
  • Yeah... that wasn't too bright of her to go out shopping! Did she keep her receipts?

    My MIL had three boys. With the last boy, she was told three times it was a girl, but nope! Definitely boy! Of course, ultrasound technology wasn't what it is today... not that today's technology is that great (with the exception of 2D/3D/4D stuff).

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  • A good friend of mine was told boy at a 13 week u/s (Dont trust those super early ones!) And at about 20 weeks, was told girl. SHe had her baby back in November and its definitely a girl.

    I was told boy at 18 weeks and at a 22 week u/s still saw a definitive penis. ;) We'll see in about a month but Im banking on boy!

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  • nowadays you hear more girl actually being a boy, than boy being a girl.  There are some instances but not many. 

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  • I've heard of plenty of 'girls' turning out to be boys but I never heard of the reverse until it happened to two women I know last week...  Makes me nervous about my own odds!
  • I don't think its as common, but I have heard it happen.
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  • The check-out lady at Buy Buy Baby told me that her sister had twin girls, but was told all through the pregnancy that they were twin boys.  She even had an u/s right before giving birth where they still thought it looked like boys.  Crazy!  I was thinking with the biweekly ultrasounds that I've been having that we could be pretty sure about my two boys, but maybe not.
  • This is exactly why I had the 3D u/s with my DD. I didn't trust the 20 week u/s when they said girl, and I wanted her so badly. I couldn't let myself get too excited until I saw it in 3D/4D. I'm having the 3D with this one in the beginning of March, too, but I'm not really expecting a change b/c I've never personally heard of a boy actually being a girl. I've heard many cases where it's the other way around thanks to those who have their u/s way too early or who see inexperienced drs.
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