
Switching to whole milk

Hey ladies,

 When did your LO switch over to whole milk?  The specialist said she should stay on Neosure until she reach 1 in her adjusted age.  However, my pedi said she can switch over on her 1st birthday.  Has anyone heard staying on formula until their 1st bday adjusted age? 

Re: Switching to whole milk

  • We actually had a trip to go on after her first birthday and I wanted her switched over before we left, so we started the process 1-2 weeks prior to her birthday. She did great!
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  • Mine were 2 months early. We introduced whole milk at 1 year actual but did not switch over completely until 1 year adjusted because I was worried about their nutrition since they were not big eaters yet. They had about half and half until1 year adjusted then formula just got too expensive since the WIC had ended at one year.

    Also, I asked this same question on here (twice) and both times, most people responded with saying their pedi's told them it was fine to switch at 1 actual (my pedi did too).

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

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  • 1 yr adjusted with no issues!
  • We switched at 1 year actual with no problems.
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