Cloth Diapering

About to start CDing

Hi all!
I am about to start CDing my son, four months old.  I am going to order 12 of these to start


Anyone have any experience with these? Good or bad?  Any advice for a newbie? Thanks all!

Re: About to start CDing

  • I  think your best bet would be to try several types first.I wouldn't invest too much into one kind right away. You may love them or you may hate  them.Just try several kinds first and then buy most of what you really like.
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  • I love BG Elementals.  They are very trim and absorbant.  They do stain easily, but the stains sun out easily, too.  Your baby's skin will be against the wet cotton, so I'd recommend making some stay-dry liners by cutting fleece into rectangles and putting them in the diaper. 
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  • They take a long time to dry- I have to lay them out overnight.  They stain but who cares, nobody sees them but DH & I.  DS is EBF, but they stain- when the weathers nicer the sun should do it.
  • I have just a few Elementals and I love them.  I like how trim they are under his pants.  I'd recommend them!  That being said though, I wouldn't invest a whole stash until I knew what worked for my baby.  
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