I think my DD is allergic to cinnamon! Last week I cut up an apple, and put some cinnamon on it. She loved it. I noticed afterwards that her face, around her mouth, was all red. I wasn't sure if it was that or not, so I decided not to try again for a few days. It didn't seem to bother her, and went away after about a half hour.
Tonight she asked for an apple with cinnamon, so I tried again. Same reaction. Still, it doesn't seem to bother her, but it bothers me. The pedi's office is closed now, so I can't call till the morning.
Does anyone else's DC have a reaction to cinnamon? She never reacted to any baby foods that had it in there. Even the prepackaged applesauce with cinnamon doesn't make her do that.
Re: DD allergic to cinnamon-I think
Layla hasn't had cinnamon, but this did happen with honey mustard sauce....?
yes I'm one of those good mothers that gives her child happy meals from mcdonald's with honey mustard sauce, lol
She also had it at steak escape with their chicken tenders... and each time her mouth all around was red, but her tongue was fine and her throat was fine. ?I checked...
I know that MY face sometimes breaks out if I have too many tomatoes and it's just a skin reaction, it's not an allergy.
I don't know if that completely helps, but I just think it's sensitive skin. ?Let me know what your dr says!! ?
DS did this too the first few times I sprinkled cinnamon on his apple slices. His skin got red around his mouth but no other symptoms. I held off on it for awhile, but he now has cinnamon on his oatmeal regularly and he's fine.
My neice's face used to get red around her mouth when she'd eat certain foods when she was younger. She wasn't allergic, but something in the foods just irritated her skin. I hope Ash feels better and isn't allergic!
hey sum!
it might not be the cinnamon, but the fresh apple. my allergist told me that when you have a seasonal allergy (to molds, pollen, etc) you body can sometimes mistake the protein in fruit fir the protein in pollen and cause an oral reaction like that. it happens to me often
REOM is correct about pollen allergies potentially cross-reacting (if you will) with certain foods. While it IS possible to have a true allergy to cinnamon, this is probably not what is going on with your DD. I think she is having more of an irritant reaction on her skin, either to the apple or to the cinnamon.
I would do my own experiment and give her something like oatmeal with cinnamon mixed in and see what happens. I wouldn't experiment with the apple b/c you won't be able to differentiate the apple vs. the cinnamon causing the reaction.
FWIW, if it comes down to it, a RAST blood test can be done to check for the cinnamon allergy. I just ordered a RAST for lots of differents spices on a man last week....