
Pet Peeves about people in public

I guess I'm in a bitching mood today - thanks DH

I was out at Target today and I have come across every pet peeve I have today What are yours?

Mine are:

People who can't pick up their feet when walking

People wearing actual slippers in public

I'm also not a fan of pajama pants in public either

Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: Pet Peeves about people in public

  • On the subject of people walking, my biggest pet peeve is that people don't walk on the correct side of the aisle/hall/mall, etc. You should walk on the right side, just like we drive.

    Also, people are utterly oblivious when out in public. Um, hello, I'm_fucking trying to get around you, so move it or lose it.

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • people who yell at their kids in public... ie "Shut up, Billy" etc etc. ?I hate that. ?I think I just hate the phrase "shut up"?


    I hate when babies/kids don't have on socks or shoes, especially when it's chilly out.


    I hate when people look at me like they're better than me...


    I know there are SOOOO many more.... ?

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  • I am that lady in pj pants at the store lol Embarrassed


    I cant stand PDA that go way over board.  Get a room why don't you

    I cant stand when people smell so awful it lingers even after they left( I work at a liquor store this happens a lot)

    Button your shirt I don't want to see your chest hair it isnt sexy.



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  • kevs -

    I've been out in pajama pants myself, but only in rare instances. I won't hold it against you

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • imagekevschickee2:

    Button your shirt I don't want to see your chest hair it isnt sexy.





    HAHA!!! ?This guy happened to hit on me when I was walking into a CVS to pick up some pictures of Layla... He has his shirt unbuttoned, he's carrying a case of budweiser, and his obvious beer gut is hanging out. ?He looks at me and says "hey, you wanna go ooouuttt?"


    Me... "..... No". ??

  • I hate people who stand thisclose to me in line. ?Back the_fuck up!


  • For some reason, I am obsessed with kids having hats on.....It drives me crazy when I see babies with hardly any hair in the glaring sun with no hats on.... ?or, when it is freezing out and their heads are not covered.
  • Corn -

    I also obsess about hats too. Around here there are tons of kids with no hats on their heads.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I hate it when people stop in the middle of a grocery aisle,  or leave their cart in the way.  Move it to the side!


    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Rebekah: ?I just noticed that we got married on the same day.... hard to believe that 5 years have gone by!!
  • I hate when you are in line and the person in front of you has gone who knows where to get who knows what and now everyone is just standing there waiting for this person that doesn't care about wasting anyone else's time. Oh- and then they have their arms full of more stuff to buy!!!
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