

I was wondering if anyone could tell me when their preemie began teething and how they knew?




"It's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not"

Re: Teething

  • Andrew cut his first tooth at 6 months adjusted.  He was drooly for about 2 months before that, but I guess it wasn't close to cutting when the drool started :-)

    We never knew 100% for sure until it was cutting through - then it was red.  Lots of drool, clingy, not wanting go eat much (for a couple of days), and biting everything are some signs.

  • I think DD started her first tooth around 4 months actual (my family has a history of super-early teething).  As pp said, she was drooly, crabby, and trying to put everything in her mouth.  She also got diaper rash, which has happened often with subsequent teeth.
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  • Thank you guys! I am still confused though by the actual/adjusted dates? I feel dumb but I don't know, I just dont seem to understand. My baby was born at 33 weeks and she will be going on 4 months at the end of this month but really is only suppossed to be 2 months. She is growing so fast it is amazing to me and when I read up on the signs and symptoms of teething she seems to be showing them all. She has been trying to eat everyting that she can get her mouth around mainly her hands and has been extra fussy lately as well. I dont know. I might just be reading to much into it but I just thought I would check it out. She has her 4month checkup on the 4th of Feb so I guess I will just talk to te doc about it then :). Also, does anyone know how to remove one of my tickers as I just realized I had 2 lol!


    Thanks again Ladies!


    "It's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not"
  • It is a little early for most kids, but it is possible.  A friend of mine - her LO tooth actually cut through before 3 months (not a preemie).
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