Hello all,
this is my first post on this board.
This is my first cycle on clomid (took it days 2-6), went in for a ultrasound at CD14 (ovulation was that day or the next based on the CBEFM) and my follies measured 18, 20, and 22. So 3 good sized follicles.
I know they say the chances for twins is about 10% but I was wondering if any of you knew you had 2+ follicles and concieved twins or more.
Re: Clomid and Twins
Hi. I was on clomid CD 3-7 and when my Dr did my follicle study I had 2 good sized follicles. I don't remember the size but one was slightly larger than the other. My Dr actually told me that day that when I came back I might be pregnant with twins and I laughed at him and he said that it could also mean the slightly smaller egg was just supporting the larger one. I went back 5 weeks later and I was pregnant with twins
Good luck!
I took 50mg of clomid as well...the doctor seemed really hopeful because of the size of my follies and that there were 3...we shall see!