Did any of you feel any kind of nervousness/anxiety about your 2nd pregnancy? Obviously you were happy that you were having another baby, but were you more anxious the second time around?
I never thought I would be, but DH and I have planned to start TTC #2 in February and it scares me a little. I think because I KNOW what is going to happen....back pain, glucose tests, swollen feet, constant peeing, gaining weight, etc. Don't get me wrong, all of that and MORE is worth having a baby for, but it just makes me a little apprehensive. I hope I'm not alone here!
I'm mostly worried about gaining weight. I bounced back pretty well after DS was born, but I just worry that I won't be able to do the same the second time around.
Re: MORE scared about 2nd pregnancy?
I'm not pregnant yet, but we're currently TTC, and I'm a little nervous about pregnancy #2. I think that primarily stems from the fact that I had blood pressure issues at 36 weeks before and am worried about being on bed rest again.
Otherwise, I'm my not overly worried about the physicality of it all. I'm more worried about how DD #1 will handle everything and how much our lives will change yet again.
Definitely ditto smccabe. I'm more worried about m/c than ever before. The thought barely crossed my mind with my first pregnancy, but coming on here and seeing how many people have actually m/c'd, coupled with how much I truly love DD, scares the shit of me.
I was blissfully ignorant with DS. This time I know too much and was terrified the first few weeks. I was sure something was going to happen for some reason, but once I started feeling movement, I calmed down.
Yes and no. I wasn't exactly planning this baby, so the shock was worse this time around!
As far as being pg, it's been harder and easier. Physically, it's been harder, especially chasing after a toddler all day. I've had less symptoms at this stage, and have gained WAY less. No swelling this time either.
I'm most worried about my body after I have the baby. I never lost all the weight from DD1, so I'm scared what my body will look like after DD2 gets here.
yes! we planned #2, but it happened right away, so i was still a little blindsided, having expected more time to get used to the idea. we're ready and we're excited but i'm really nervous for how much it will change DD's life when the baby is here and she gets less attention - will she feel less loved, etc. i feel very guilty and sometimes question if having #2 so soon was the right thing.
also much more worried about m/c than i recall being with DD. i'm pretty petrified and 3 weeks til our u/s seems like an eternity! i just wanna see the hb!